
We fight for an immigration system that values every person’s dignity and human rights.

Everyone deserves dignity, respect, and opportunity.

We champion American values while fighting for policies that provide opportunity to all immigrants.

We strive for an immigration system that values the basic dignity and human rights of all people. We support policies that broaden ways for people to enter the country legally; prioritize the integration of immigrants, including accessible paths to citizenship for all who are eligible; and promote nondiscriminatory border security and enforcement policies that uphold American values and traditions.

Did you know?

Immigration statistics


The number of immigrants who become citizens every year.


Nearly 80% of Latinos are U.S. citizens.


The number of American kids who have a parent with DACA or TPS.


The percentage of Latinos who know an undocumented person.


We present this list of resources and information about the entire process of applying for naturalization and U.S. citizenship.

Apply for citizenship online

Facts about immigration

Frequently Asked Questions
Do immigrants create jobs?

Yes. Many immigrants are entrepreneurs who create jobs. According to a study of the bipartisan immigration bill passed in the Senate in 2014, provisions in the bill could potentially bring between 336,000 and 470,000 undocumented immigrant entrepreneurs into the formal economy. Given that the average immigrant-owned business hires 11 employees, these businesses would account for between 3.7 million and 5.2 million jobs in the formal economy.

Do undocumented immigrants pay taxes?

Yes. Undocumented immigrants pay an average of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes a year. On average, an undocumented individual has about 8% of their income go to taxes. Moreover, all immigrants—regardless of status—will contribute approximately $80,000 more in taxes than government services used over their lifetime.

How do immigrants affect Social Security?

Over the years, immigrants have contributed up to $300 billion to the Social Security Trust Fund. In 2010 alone, undocumented individuals paid $13 billion into retirement accounts and only received $1 billion in return. Without the contributions of immigrants going into the system, it is estimated that full benefits would not be able to be paid out beyond the year 2037.

How many undocumented immigrants are in the U.S.?

In 2014, there were 11 million undocumented individuals in the United States. This number has remained unchanged from 2009, and represents a decline from 12.2 million undocumented individuals who resided in the United States in 2007.

Who are DREAMers?

DACA recipients or DREAMers—people who came to the United States at a young age and applied for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—paid a $465 fee with their applications, meaning that the program has not cost taxpayers a single cent. Since the program began in 2012, more than 750,000 individuals have had their applications for DACA approved—and the U.S. economy has benefitted. The cost of ending the DACA program would eliminate at least $433.4 billion from the GDP over the course of a decade.

How does immigration affect the federal deficit?

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bipartisan immigration bill that passed in the Senate in 2014 would have helped reduce the deficit by $197 billion, increased investment by 2%, and increased overall employment by 3.5% by the year 2023.

Do immigrants affect the country's safety?

Studies have confirmed that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans and they are associated with lower crime rates. Additionally, in counties that have put in place policies to limit cooperation with immigration enforcement and to uphold the Fourth Amendment, there are lower crime rates than in counties without “sanctuary policies.”

Learn more about our advocacy for aspiring Americans

Featured resources
Two people shaking hands in partnership in the background with a gavel in view.

In 2014, UnidosUS and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) formed a partnership aimed at increasing the capacity of UnidosUS Affiliates to provide immigration legal services, leveraging CLINIC’s expertise and UnidosUS Affiliates’ existing programs serving millions of Latinos annually.

April 29, 2024

Affiliate EngagementCLINICCOILComprehensive Overview of Immigration Lawand 3 more tags

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policies and projects that support the Latinx community.